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Welcome To Dallam & Hartley Counties
Dalhart, the county seat of Dallam County, straddles the border of Dallam and Hartley counties in the northwest corner of the Texas Panhandle. The original settlement was platted early in 1901 by W. J. Blair and Charles W. Thornton when the Chicago, Rock Island and Pacific Railway built west from Liberal, Kansas, and crossed the Fort Worth and Denver City line. The site of the crossing was known for a time as Twist Junction. J. H. Conlen supervised the laying of the Rock Island tracks and made an old boxcar into a section house on the site. Later the settlement was named Denrock, a combination of the names of the two railroads. In 1901 Robert B. Edgell named his new newspaper the Denrock Sun. But when postal authorities objected, the town adopted the name Dalhart, combining the first syllables of the names of the two counties in which it is located.Local Attractions
La Rita TheatreXIT Historical Museum
Area Schools and Colleges
Dalhart ISDHartley ISD
St. Anthony Catholic School
Dalhart Christian Academy
Frank Phillips College
West Texas A&M University
Amarillo College
Wayland Baptist University
Dallam & Hartley County Area Links
Dalhart Chamber of CommerceInformation about Dallam County
Information about Hartley County
Real Estate
Texas Real EstateNewhomes.com
Statistics / Economy
Dallam County, TXHartley County, TX